Monday, August 22, 2016

All About Birthstones

Most of us know our own birthstone, but can you name all twelve? Birthstones are believed to have originated from the breastplate of Aaron, a high priest during the time of Moses, as mentioned in the book of Exodus in the Bible. The breastplate boasted twelve different stones, which represented the twelve tribes of Israel. From the tale of this breastplate we derive the birthstones of today.

Fun Fact: The original twelve stones were said to be from the throne of God, and the high priest Aaron's breastplate was thought to be magical.

There is some variation in the stones associated with each month. Over time, different cultures have chosen different stones based on local availability, and some birthstone lists vary because they associate the stones with astrological signs, which do not keep to the borders of the months. Keep reading for a common variation of the birthstone list that is used in the USA.

Quartz necklace with garnet beads
January - Garnet
Garnet has been considered a protection stone by various peoples for centuries. It represents purification and love, and is associated with good health. Garnet has been used to improve body toxicity, cleanse vital organs, and remove negative energy from the chakras. The word garnet comes from the Latin word for seed, and it was named because of its resemblance to the pomegranate seed.

February - Amethyst
Amethyst is a great healing stone and natural tranquilizer. It promotes stress reduction and calm. Amethyst aids in dream interpretation, grief alleviation, and even hangover relief. Some may find increased wisdom after contact with the amethyst stone, and it has been associated with the wise king Solomon.

Fun Fact: The ancient Egyptians believed that wearing amethyst with peacock hairs and the features of a sparrow, you would be cured of gout and protected from sorcery. 

Amethyst earrings
March - Aquamarine
For sailors and other travelers of the sea, aquamarine is thought to be a very lucky stone. According to legend, it originated in the treasure troves of merpeople. Aquamarine brings courage and serenity to the wearer. It is a relatively recent addition to the birthstone list. In 1912, aquamarine replaced bloodstone as the March birthstone.

April - Diamond
Commonly associated with commitment and matrimony (which is one reason why it is the most common stone for an engagement ring), the diamond is also the hardest naturally occurring material on earth. Because of this, diamonds are thought to bring courage, strength, and victory to the wearer.

May - Emerald
Emeralds are associated with vitality, fertility, and clarity of vision in love and business. In Arthurian legend, Merlin wears an emerald ring for protection, and even now, the Irish associate the Emerald with their homeland, "the Emerald Isle."

Moonstone necklace
June - Moonstone
Moonstone comes in a variety of colors, and each one has its own unique properties. In general, however, moonstone is associated with calm and serenity. It is a stone of protection during pregnancy and childbirth, and can be used to stabilize hormones and alleviate the symptoms of menstruation.

July - Ruby
Much of the lore surrounding rubies comes from India and Hinduism. Rubies are thought to increase intuition, and they are associated with blood because of their color. They are thought to incite passion, both sensual and violent, so they should be used with caution.

Fun Fact: An old Hindu belief is that by offering a large ruby to Krisna, you will be reincarnated as an emperor in your next life. 

August - Peridot
Peridot straddles the line between light and darkness. If you find that your sleep is interrupted by demons or other terrors, then certainly seek out a peridot talisman. On the other hand, necromancers can draw power from this stone, so tread carefully.

September - Sapphire
Citrine earrings
Sapphires were historically used as healing stones for ailments of the eyes. They are thought to lend literal and spiritual vision to the wearer, and will lead him on the path to truth. Sapphires have been valued for centuries for their brilliant blue color, and they can bring balance to your life after a period of indecision.

October - Opal
According to legend, opals are fragments of a frozen rainbow petrified by a storm god. They are unique among birthstones in that they are actually associated with bad luck. Some cultures view them differently, and claim opals bring purity, hope, and honor.

November - Citrine
Joy and luck come to the wearers of citrine. Its color is bright and happy, and that translates to a stone that provides success in business matters. Citrine is a protection stone that removes bad or negative energies.

Turquoise necklace
December - Turquoise
For thousands of years, turquoise has been used as a talisman and healing stone. From Roman times through the medieval period, doctors would grind it up to use for eye problems and skin irritations. It is still viewed as a power stone among some native cultures in the Americas, and its color is associated with the sky.

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